Discover the simple secrets behind creating amazing chords to skyrocket your chordal playing…. and take your songs to the next level, even if you are a beginner!

Csaba Fazekas

Hey, aspiring guitarists!

My name is Csaba Fazekas and I am a guitar teacher and author of ‘The GPS eBook Bundle’. I have also created a number of courses to help guitarists at different levels. With over 15,000 students, I’ve got a good understanding of the difficulties, struggles and frustrations all guitarists face - no matter where they are on their journey….

The pain I went through can help you...

...I still remember the point where I felt really fed up with my playing - to the point of almost giving up. I repeated the same chords and ideas over and over again and not only did I feel uninspired, I felt like I was in a rut and unable to move forward. I wasn’t fortunate enough to have the internet or YouTube, or be in a position where I had the solutions and creative knowledge that I am now offering to my own students.


However, I was lucky because I managed to find an amazing teacher who taught me all about triads, drop2 chords, inversions and so much more.


With these doors now opened for me, I went on a journey of discovery and very quickly found the answers I had been looking for all along. I knew this, because at my very next band rehearsal, my band members could not believe my progress. The songs sounded fuller and richer. The real magic happened when I incorporated my new knowledge into my songwriting, and I was finally able to write the songs I never thought I’d be able to write.

    Uncovering the secrets to amazing chordal playing...

    I truly believe that learning chords should be a fun process - we all admire those guys sitting next to a campfire who can effortlessly play amazing songs for friends…. and we think ‘I wish I could do the same and be able to really amaze and entertain people with my music’.


    The good news is that learning basic chords and changes is actually much easier than you might think - no matter whether you are a beginner or more experienced - the fact is, when you know how, you can get to this point quickly.


    My new eBook ‘The Science of Chords - Simplified’ gives you all the answers in a well-explained, step-by-step guide that will skyrocket your chordal playing, and at the same time fast track your songs to the next level!

    Step-by-step solutions to accelerate your progress... effortlessly​

    So, what exactly will you learn?

    • How to build chords and triads

    • What the major scale is and how to create it in any key

    • Chords based on the diatonic scale and diatonic chord sequence

    • Major and minor chords and the difference

    • Open position chords

    • Barre chords

    • Chord shifting

    • The creativity behind chords and how to use exciting extensions

    • How to tweak chords to get new versions

    • Power chords

    • Drop2 Chords

    • Chord inversions

    • Chord progressions based on the diatonic scale

    • How to play 12 bar blues

    • ... and much more

    Plus an exclusive extra bonus!​

      Not only do you get an easy-to-follow eBook that delivers you everything you need to know in order to make the progress you’ve always wanted to with chord playing, I’ve also included a mini-series of video lessons, allowing you to watch, listen and follow with ease.


      As of right now, I’m offering you this knowledge, wisdom and a solution to true progression with mastering chords for a LIMITED AND INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF JUST

      $39 $22 

      Is there a monthly fee??

      No, there's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.


      You Better Order NOW and not let this chance go!

      Oh. And in case you're wondering ...



      The Boldest Guarantee In The World


      Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

      If after going through all of the materials and watching all of the videos, you feel that you got no value, I will gladly provide you with a full refund, providing your refund request is in the first 14 days.


      You don't even have to send the books back. 

      Check out a few sample pages.


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